Susan Hauri-Downing ecoartist

Engraved on honey room windows from Swiss bee hives, these etchings pay tribute to just a few species of Swiss wild bee. Domestic, industrial, agricultural and forestry spaces are fraught with the needs of many species. On going research highlights the important role that often unseen wild bees play in pollination services for agricultural crops. They maintain and increase biodiversity,however they are increasingly being lost from these spaces.

Melitturga clavicornis, 2015, Laser-etched, repurposed honey room windows, 18x30cm

Andrena hattoriana, 2015, Laser-etched, repurposed honey room windows, 18x30cm

Chelostoma rapunculi, 2015, Laser-etched, repurposed honey room windows, 18x30cm

Dasypoda hirtipes, 2015, Laser-etched, repurposed honey room windows, 18x30cm

Heriades truncorum, 2015, Laser-etched, repurposed honey room windows, 18x30cm

Heriades truncorum, installation view, 2015, Laser-etched, repurposed honey room windows, 18x30cm

Heriades truncorum, 2015, ink drawing on paper, 12x20cm
Example of preliminary drawings for laser etching